It's Spring, which means it's time for Carl's Once Upon a Time Challenge! I've been quite absent on the blogging front, but I have been reading, so I hope signing up for this challenge can help get me back on blogging track!

I'm signing up for Quest the First, which means I will try to read five books that fit into the category of fantasy, fairy tale, folklore, or mythlogy. I'm tentatively thinking that I will choose from this list:
The Once and Future King, by T.B. White (which will also count for A Century of Books)
Daughter of the Forest, by Juliet Marillier (I've been wanting to reread this, so now is the perfect time!)
The Snow Child, by Eowyn Ivey
The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkein (I need to read this before the movie comes out, so it's perfect!)
Neverwhere, by Neil Gaman (I've never read any Neil Gaman *ducks*, and Carl is doing a group read of this, so it seems like the perfect opportunity!)
Green Heart, by Alice Hoffman
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, by J.K. Rowling
The Queen of Attolia, by Megan Whalen Turner

I'm also signing up for the Quest on Screen. This will give me a good excuse to gush over ABC's
Once Upon a Time. It will also give me some motivation to rewatch
The Lord of the Rings sooner rather than later; some
Doctor Who, and
Pushing Up Daisies might show up, too.
I really enjoyed Daughter of the Forest when I read it last year. I also really enjoyed The Queen of Attolia and Neverwhere. I hope you enjoy your first Gaiman experience!
The Snow Child is a book I would really like to get around to.
Thanks for stopping by, Kailana! If you haven't read the sequel to Daughter of the Forest, Son of the Shadowns, you really must. It's excellent!
many here I have not read,but I do need to reread the Hobbit for the same reason you are reading it lol.. but the movie isn't out until a year from december *bummer*
have you not read the harry potter books? ohhhh you are in for a treat!!
Neverwhere is one of my favorite Neil Gaiman books--good choice to start with! I LOVED The Thief...couldn't quite go for The Queen of Attolia. I'll be curious to see your thoughts!
And Doctor Who and Pushing Daisies are delightful, as is ABC's Once Upon a Time!
DesLily-I have definitely read the Harry Potter series multiple times, and it's sort of turning into a yearly thing to reread at least part of the series. And the first part of The Hobbit comes out this December.
Cheryl-That's good to know about Neverwhere. I really loved the episode of Doctor Who that Neil Gaiman wrote, so I'm looking forward to it. And I agree that Once Upon a Time is delightful; the last two weeks have been AMAZING.
for real (hobbit)??? wow maybe thats why I felt so confused! I thought it came out this december and everyone kept saying a year from december! ohhh I can't wait! I so love Ian McKellan and Andy Serkis!
What a fun challenge! I'm hoping to reread The Hobbit myself this year, before the movie comes out. I reread Once and Future King a few years ago--I really like the first part of the book, but find the second part drags somewhat. I've heard Daughter of the Forest is good, and you can't go wrong with HP!
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