1. Book I am currently reading: With me, there's never just one! I'm reading A Storm of Swords, by George R.R. Martin, Stargirl, by Jerry Spinelli, (for school--I teach this to my freshmen), Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass (also for school--I teach it to my juniors), and Anna Karenina, by Leo Tolstoy, (for Wallace's readalong; I'm dreadfully behind). I'm currently listening to Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief, by Rick Riordan, because I'm trying to find some more boy-friendly books that I can have on my classroom shelves.
2. Last book I finished: A Clash of Kings, by George R.R. Martin. It's been my favorite of the series so far, but A Storm of Swords is really good so far!
3. Next book I want to read: I really want to read The Scorpio Races, by Maggie Stiefvater, but I will probably read A Feast for Crows, by George R.R. Martin, if my hold goes through at the library in time.
4. Last book I bought: The Scorpio Races. I've actually been REALLY good about not buying books lately ;).
5. Last book I was given: I don't get books very often. But I do have high hopes of getting this gem for Christmas:

Ooooh, that illustrated Dickens looks awesome!!
I'm pretty excited about! It's the first time in years that I've actually been able to tell my mom something specific that I want for Christmas.
Have you read Narrative of the Life of Frederick Doughlass? It's really, really good!
Not yet! I really want to. I've read parts of it. :-)
It was quite the unexpected discovery when I taught it for the first time last year. I showed the A&E Biography video about Douglass to my class this year; when he first met with Lincoln, Douglass' response was: "he made me feel big." I just love that...it's a pretty great video about a really great man.
I like this little meme. Just posted my version. :) Hope you do enjoy SCORPIO RACES when you get around to it.
Thanks for playing along! Got to admit, when I claimed I was reading The Rector's Daughter, I really just picked one book from the six or so that I'm reading... I'm definitely not a one-book-at-a-time kinda person either!
Angie and Simon, thanks for stopping by. And Simon, I don't know how people can only read one book at a time!
Thanks for joining the challenge. We've got you on the participants list. We do have new WWI buttons too for the new 2012 challenge if you want to use them.
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