I LOVE To Kill a Mockingbird. It is possibly my favorite book, and all my fellow bookies out there KNOW how hard it is to land on an unconditional favorite!
To honor the fact that this wonderful, life-changing book has been delighting us for fifty years (and may it have many, many more), I am thinking about dedicating some yet to be determined amount of time on my blog to To Kill a Mockingbird. I'm thinking favorite scenes, favorite quotes, best themes, funniest teaching stories, and much, much more. Would anyone like to do this with me? Read it? Discuss it? Contribute quotes, etc.? If so, please let me know!
P.S. I just found out that my dad (my own father!) has not read To Kill a Mockingbird. This might be grounds for disowning him, especially since he didn't seem all that interested in rectifying the situation.
P.P.S. I hope that this continues to be true:
UPDATE: I have found a lovely blogger who has already set-up a little schedule to honor To Kill a Mockingbird on her blog, so I will be working within the framework on Capricious Reader's blog. Do check it out!
Hi there! I'm so glad you are going to join in the fun. TKAM is such a fantastic book; I have loved reading everyone's posts on it!
Thanks, Heather! I'm pretty excited to find an excuse to read this book again! I've read it every year for the past five years because it was part of the English curriculum at the school where I taught. I'm currently looking for another job, and I hope that I get to teach TKAM!
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