I have to warn you that this blog might become YA Central for a while. Let's just attribute it to the fact that I'm trying to get ready to head back to school, shall we (I go back Tuesaday...GAH...so unprepared...)?

Anyhoo, I came across this lovely book through goodreads, and after reading the premise, finding out about the series as a whole, and poking around on the
author's website, I must say I am quite intrigued and excited by
A Breath of Eyre, by Eve Marie Mont. This book is strongly connected to
Jane Eyre (hooray!), the second is connected to
The Scarlet Letter, and the third is connected to
The Phantom of the Opera (huzzah!)! They sound very clever, and the author seems lovely. You should definitely check her out!
In other, non-book related news, I think I'm about to succumb to
Dr. Who. I've been hearing so many good things about for a long, long time, and I think the time to give in has come (plus I just finished
Friday Night Lights *sob*). Anyone have any suggestions as to where to start in the Who oeuvre?
Oh my goodness, thank you so much for the heads up about this book! It sounds amazing! I've added it to my Amazon wishlist. :)
Also, Doctor Who...well I am a HUGE Who fan! I would recommend starting with the 9th Doctor (Christopher Eccleston) - his tenure on the show launched the "reboot" of the series. After the 9th Doctor's year, you get the 10th Doctor (and favorite of mine), David Tennant, for 3 seasons plus a year of specials.
However, if you're not wanting to make that big of a jump back in time (no pun intended) to start your Who viewing, you could just start with the 11th Doctor (Matt Smith) and Series 5 (currently the show is halfway through Series 6).
Thanks, Ruth! I think I'll start with the 9th Doctor since I like chronology so much ;). Could you tell me where the specials fit in between the seasons? Are the first specials with David Tennant?
The specials I was referencing come AFTER Tennant's three regular seasons as the Doctor (The Next Doctor, Planet of the Dead, The Waters of Mars, and The End of Time Parts 1&2). Good call on starting with the 9th Doctor - the years that Russell T. Davies helmed the show as writer/producer (for the 9th and 10th Doctors) are STELLAR and it's well worth the time investment IMO!
Thanks for the clarification, Ruth! I'm going to start them later today, and I'm SO exicted!
Thanks for sharing this book. I've heard of a lot of Pride and Prejudice retellings/sequels, but I've never seen one about Jane Eyre. So interesting. :)
Your welcome, Darlyn. If you're interested in other retellings, you should check out Jane, by April Lindner (here's my review: http://bookreadingbookworm.blogspot.com/2010/10/and-ode-to-jane-eyre-or-i-discuss-jane.html). Also check out Romancing Miss Bronte. It's not about Jane Eyre, but it's really, really good!
I thought I had commented on this. I sure did add the book to Goodreads when I read this! :-)
Oh, thanks, Jillian! I'm pretty excited about it!
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