Read the Book's first reading challenge will be a poetry one! I haven't decided which level to strive for yet, but I'm toying with either Octave or Sonnet level. I will keep you posted as I read.
P.S. As a new blogger, I have yet to figure out the mysterious button concept. If you would like more information on the challenge, visit Clover, Bee & Reverie.
Congratulations on joining your first challenge! Enjoy! Be careful...joining challenges can become very addictive:)
Thanks, Book Psmith! I'm trying to be selective about the challenges that I choose so that I don't get too overwhelmed and still get to be spontaneous in my reading selection.
Hi! So glad you're joining us and welcome to book blogging :D
Thanks, Lu! I'm excited about this challenge!
I'd love to invite you and your readers to join my poetry survey. I'm looking for your 10 favorite classic poems. Read more about it here.
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